Twenty-sixth day


This morning I arrived at the office too early at 8:00 a.m. Even though working hours start at 09.00. It doesn't matter to me. Because the morning is more excited. And it happened that in the morning I was asked to help print some office documents. I was even more eager to work this morning.

After printing the entire document, I helped the customer to arrange a re-entry visa at immigration. Incidentally he wants to go to a country but only to deliver his child to school for about 1 day. After that he immediately returned home.

The twenty-fifth day


Today in the morning we get a guard at the front office as part of the information while facilitating the tourist guide in filling out job orders. In the middle of the time when we were on guard, I was invited by a tourist police to check taxi time. I'm happy to say I'm ready. And following in their footsteps they walked towards the 3rd floor.

And this morning we found a case that is about a taxi that has no mitter. About drivers that do not match the letter and id card. Where in the taxi id card the driver is actually a man, but the one who was driving at that time was a woman. He claimed that it was his brother. And he replaced because you can't work today. But what is the regulatory power remains the rule and he is guilty. Then a fine must be charged.

Besides that there is also a number plate that does not match. As we know, taxis are a means of public transportation therefore they must be yellow. However, the taxi this time was different, he was even red which indicated that it was an official means of transportation. Obviously different. Tourist police immediately took him to the police station for further processing.

After taking the driver to the police station. I returned to the office to work. And in the middle of the road to the elevator I met the tourist from Australia who was confused about the domestic check-in direction. Because he wants to meet with his friend. Immediately I took it and I told him to follow me to terminal 2.

And in the afternoon we patrolled with the police around the airport until the afternoon.

Day twenty four

It doesn't feel like it's Monday, it's time to go back to daily activities. That is an internship at Don Mueang International Airport.

And we have a special guest this morning to meet with the boss, the head of the torch police svarnabumi branch. We also had time to greet and meet him. He is very friendly and also humble. Nice to meet him.

As usual when we follow the apple in the morning. After that we check taxi. And really many problems happened this morning.

First, the problem about the hand bag left in the taxi

Second, the problem about taxi no meters.

And the biggest thing, namely the problem of a Chinese tourist who complained because the taxi he was riding had led him wrongly. He should be escorted to Don Mueang International airport instead, he will be escorted to Suvarnabumi International Airport first. Obviously, after arriving at Don Mueang the tourist was left behind by the plane so that the ticket was forfeited. Therefore he asked for compensation to buy a new ticket for 2,500 baht. The driver was confused because he had to pay compensation for that amount. He also called the boss first. And finally the problem can be handled.

After checking the taxi, we then return to the office.

To take care of job order files and other documents. And don't forget that the job order data we input directly on the google form belongs to the tourist police. So that later we can have back up data both online and offline. The data that needs to be included include data tourism guides, many passengers, travel companies that handle etc. We also type everything until it's over. I was helped by ... who happened to be an apprentice here and he came from the business administration department.

After typing, I stay ahead to help if there is a tourism guide who wants to take a copy. With pleasure and enthusiasm I always say "Khob Koon Kha" after receiving money from them.

Not only that, we also deliver documents to the officer to be asked for signatures during the day. After that I was also invited by one of the police named ..., to patrol around the afternoon in the morning. But this time it's different, because I'm going around using .... Yeayy ... really happy to get this big trust. The tourist police patiently guarded and followed me from behind. And don't forget we also did check points and sent reports via online at every corner of the airport.

if we have dinner together in the afternoon. KFC party. Because today we really work draining. Then we go home at 5:30 p.m.

Twenty-third day

Twenty-third day
Today is Sunday for the weekend. Today we have to get up early at around 5:00 a.m. to cook, after that it takes a shower and is ready to make up for the event in Ayuthayya.

Today the one who is using up is teacher Sao li. This teacher is a teacher who once taught us in the Invention class. And the wardrobe is Teacher Preaw. Before that the teacher asked us if you could remove the hijab to look more beautiful. I firmly said no. Because of that, we have our obligations in our religion and we may not leave them. Teacher also understood it. And we also decorate and shape our own hijab. Because in Thailand MUA hijaber is not so like in Indonesia.

But even so I am very happy to get the chance to dress in traditional Thailand. After making up we make a trip to Ayuuthaya. Far enough this trip was around 2 hours. Arriving there we immediately took pictures together with photo magazine style. hehe

After Ayuthaya, we stopped by lunch at a restaurant and changed the costume of ordinary clothes. Because this clothes is quite hot. hehe . We eat kra pao seafood noodles. It tastes delicious. Moreover, there are shrimp, sprouts and also peanut powder. Delicious.

Satisfied, we continue the journey to Wat Phrasesanpeth. This is also a historical place in Thailand. There we found a large golden Buddha statue sitting. And at this place we also met with a Thai person who was amazed to see us. Then we take a photo together.

Do not forget we also shopping to market crises.

There we also went to see the cool traditional Thai show show of the actress. He played on the boat while singing lipsing a song. And walking in the middle of the lake, among the crowd of spectators. And do you know? Items in this market are the cheapest as long as I shop in Thailand. How come if Chatuchak 100bath key chain only contains 5, here can get 10. Cheap isn't it? My friends and I feel sorry for buying too many items in Chatuchak.

Around ayuthayaa there are also many elephants that are rented out. I actually wanted to go up but was scared because the elephants were really tall. And I'm afraid of heights. wkwk

Finally we just take the train around ayuthayaa and its surroundings. It feels really cool in Thailand in the afternoon. Want to go home by train to the hostel it feels. hehe

Time too quickly passed. The sun is almost set. And it's time for us to go home.