The Eleventh Day

Taxi checks have been completed. It's time to drive around the airport environment again. to check points and monitor the situation around the airport whether it is safe or not. And most importantly, helping tourists who need more information. Yeayy ... this is the part I like the most. Where can I hone my public speaking skills and also I can be more useful by helping others. hehe

Today there are 5 lecturers that I have helped to provide information about facilities, places of worship, transportation, smoking areas etc. After all the points have passed and we report to the next boss, we can go back to the room and relax our bodies for a while before we will go on patrol again later in the afternoon.

Afternoon came, when the time showed at 3 pm it was time for us to go around again.
supervise the situation around the airport and help information-blind tourists of course. And do not forget to finish every activity we live we always send reports in the form of reports, photos and videos.

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