The twenty-two day

Saturday this schedule I off work. I was invited to the streets to Minburi with Teacher Peak. We depart around 8am after after leaving the junior of Japanese students. The first place we visit is Wat Bumtennua, which is located in the Minnburg area. When entered the first time there, I was increasingly amazed by Thailand who had plenty of temple beauty and the building wrapped in gold.

In Wat Bumtennua we feed the fish name is soi. And also play with the pigeons birds by the pool. While enjoying the beautiful scenery around him. After feeding our fish in again into the night. In the Miniburi market but there are also many funny funny animals there. Like the lamb, the horse, hamster, turtle, kangaroo and others.

I was pleased when he could see directly and interact with them. Moreover, the previous turtle I never saw the turtle of that amount. I just saw him small from my bonece. After satisfied, playing with the animals I had a shopping side of the market. We buy a funny bandana, great candy, swimming glasses and still many more. This lump is honestly priced more than a core than in Chatuchak.

Hehe so fun is tiny enough my petire and I bring it home tired of shopping I'm sitting. But not in the usual chair. But in the spikes that are fun to play. I play with my friend Dani. And it turns out he is heavier than her body than me.

Not felt 1hr has passed. When we have been out. It's time to move to the next destination, namely to the Fashion Island Mall. Fashion Island is the place of shopping center clothes that are quite battle in Thailand. Harganyapun is pretty cheap but the quality is not cheap. We also get around buying makeup, look-litiate shoes, clothes. Eldly tired we stopped by lunch at KFC.

 We also ordered a row of bowl that is quite tailored from the picture. Understanding because Indonesians can not eat if the same rice. And that's only the only menu that is a track with rice. Hehe actually I had the original chicken ajai but to no rice. According to the culture of the people here, chicken is only eaten apart. So, Rice Bowl is the right choice. hehe. And in KHC Thailand this superiority is drinking we can refill itself as appetite and as much as it is. Quickly if there is a thirsty and want to ask so we can share for deh. Orders come. We're preparing to eat the dish. But suddenly I smeared a strange smell. Like time at Camping Canthaburi yesterday. And I remember the strange leaves that I do not like the smell let alone feel like we're strange and make nausea. But maybe that's what he has typical of Thailand likes in theion of Indonesia. Hehe is not felt 3hr already passed. It's time for us to go home. Because before 4 hours we have to get to the dorm. To jointly pick up students from Indonesia who also followed the same program with us but in second group. But what power, rain and malget blocks us to arrive soon. With heavy heart only teachers from TBC just picked them up at the airport. But not why, while waiting for them to go home, we prepare dinner for them. That is fried rice and soup. Let them feel warmly raised. hehe. After they come, they soon we eat in order to get rest soon.

Meanwhile we went a weekly night to the Night Market with Teacher Peak. Although our rain is excited to get there. And we're ready for umbrella. But unfortunately I forgot to wear a delivery. As a result of his shoe wet because it walks over the puddles. Hehe armed over there while waiting for the rain we eat first to be a seam of seams of five feet. This food is named ..... Is there any shrimp, green shell, squid and also sweet potatoes cut cut boxes as potato replacement. It feels good, savory, let alone I am seafood fans. Obviously I was happy to get this selekat food. Hehe. There is a funny event of we eat this place. That we are like hearing the shouts of the weird people who feel good at the ear. But we ignore. The word teacher that was to draw attention at the next dining place. And that's just in Thailand, Indonesia can not have. Haha I became thought and more curious. After meal also travel around the market under the shadow of the umbrella that protects us from rainwater. And my curiosity missed already. It turns out in the restaurant next door there is a ladyboy that uses bikini while shouting and surrounds visitors to attract attention. And when there are visitors who want to take pictures with them. It is where the livelihood is. We also ignore the ladyboy and do not want to approach it. Then we get around the market to look around, who knows there's good stuff we can buy. And we find cool-watches with a cheap price enough 100Bath only. Wuih .., pretty good. After that we get home because it should break because tomorrow morning we will at the makeup at 5 am for the show in Ayuthayaa

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