Thirteenth Day

Today is a bit different from the previous day. Where we are invited to morning with other tourist police. Yaeayy ...
Pride can finally join the apples with them. We're nine o'clock apples. After the apple as usual we check taxi. Thank God, today the taxi has no problem. Next, we patrol the airport to control and help when there are tourists who experience difficulties. This morning the tourists we help are those who are confused about where the transit space is. We also showed it was on the 2nd floor. Not to forget besides helping our tourists also greet the people around. Especially children. Many are hyperactive and like to run to and fro leaving their parents. We also help them to find their parents. The point is very exciting. hehe

After controlling, we return to the office. And we are given training on how to fill in job orders. Incidentally, this job order is full of Thai language and Chinese alphabet. So I learned to interpret and understand it. And thank God, success, when there is a case I can try to help fill it. hehe

After lunch we were called by the boss and sent to welcome the minister of tourism of Thailand at the airport. We are ready to wait at the door of arrival. When the minister was present he immediately greeted the people around him. Sawadikha. We also had time to chat with him. And deliver it to the car.

after the welcome, we return to the office to help with the creation of a job order

Twelfth Day

Wednesday (third day of internship)

Today is the third day I intern. Incidentally today is the feast of Eid al-Adha for Muslims. I left as usual at 7.30 and arrived at the airport at 8. When I got out of the van and walked to the office, suddenly a tourist from Turkey called me. And say :
Can you speak english
Yes Why?

Apparently he asked where the nearest mosque was from the airport because he wanted to do Eid al-Adha prayer. I tried to show on the 3rd floor. But he did not want to, the only thing he wanted was to go to the mosque because he also wanted to see the slaughter of sacrificial animals there. I also tried to find information through the internet. But to be more valid I invite them to the office, maybe the tourist police understand the area better because they are the original from Thailand. After I took it to the office, the police were confused and didn't know what a mosque was. I also explained that it was a place of worship for Muslims like Buddha who worshiped at the temple. Finally the police understood. And I showed that I found a mosque through internet information but didn't know how to get there. The police indicated that they could ride a taxi, but it was expensive. And they want to take the bus. But that is not possible because there are no buses going there. Finally I suggest you can use taxi services, and you can joint venture. It's safer for you and comfortable. Instead of you having to take a bus. Because the bus can't stop anywhere and there is also a lack of Thai citizens who don't know about English so they are afraid they can't provide the information that is suitable for you. But if you take a taxi, I can help with the way to order, and I'll help talking to the taxi driver about where you are going. They nodded in agreement. Alhamdulillah, this day's joy can help people especially for good purposes.

then today's activities are not much different from our activities as usual. That is in the morning we are ready for taxi checkin. Monitor whether the meter is alive or not along with the driver's complete documents. And early in the morning we have encountered a case problem. Where there is a real driver he does not commit fraud but he is guilty of making transactions at the beginning with the customer so that this is why the arguments are not turned on. When we take the taxi, the tourist was confused, I was also a representative of the touris police who at that time was tasked with trying to help explain the rules that apply here. But he did not want to be blamed, because the tax driver had agreed to the offer at the beginning. We know, but somehow the rules must be upheld. And with a heavy heart the driver must be processed to the office further. As well as being fined 1000bath so that he feels deterred.

12.00 we start checking points. drive around the airport to control and report at each specific point where there is a barcode for the tourist police. Meanwhile, we also help tourists, provide information about the domestic terminal section and about places that sell halal food here.

after that we returned to the office to make a report.

The Eleventh Day

Taxi checks have been completed. It's time to drive around the airport environment again. to check points and monitor the situation around the airport whether it is safe or not. And most importantly, helping tourists who need more information. Yeayy ... this is the part I like the most. Where can I hone my public speaking skills and also I can be more useful by helping others. hehe

Today there are 5 lecturers that I have helped to provide information about facilities, places of worship, transportation, smoking areas etc. After all the points have passed and we report to the next boss, we can go back to the room and relax our bodies for a while before we will go on patrol again later in the afternoon.

Afternoon came, when the time showed at 3 pm it was time for us to go around again.
supervise the situation around the airport and help information-blind tourists of course. And do not forget to finish every activity we live we always send reports in the form of reports, photos and videos.

Tenth Day

The tenth day today is the first day I'm internship. And my intermediate place is made up in Donmueang Airport, especially in Tourist Police. Tourist Police is a government body that takes care of tourists. So they are in charge of providing security and helping travelers when requiring information. Wow enough to challenge our apprentices this time. Especially remember the tourists here the majority of outside Thailand all. Surely needed high foreign language skills other than English to be able to communicate with them if tourists or tour service providers have problems or problems.

 Incidentally when asked I can language anything, I replied Indonesia, England, Japan and Mandarin. For the time of college I was thorld to Japanese. And Mandarin's lessons are about to me from learning. Because once he worked the majority of employees in his office was a Chinese population. It's time to start an apprentice today. The first job we can follow today is following the morning patrol. Patrol this morning a set of army, security and police walking walking distance around the airport to ensure whether the surrounding environment is safe or not. This activity is done at 9, 12 and 15.00. After going around, we are given some kind of explanation instruction on the rule here, the introduction of what is Tourist Police, the letters, and the daily Poly Schedule. Today may not have been too heavy, enough introduction and basic basic

Ninth Day

Today is a day to rest. What we do today is cleaning, washing clothes, cooking, etc. After we finished, we went to the teacher's room for a briefing on the internship the next day by Teacher Irene.

Teacher Irene informs us that tomorrow we will start apprenticeship starting at 7am. But the bad news was that at the beginning of my stay in October the Phuket hotel was not done. Because the distance is very far and from Bangkok it takes 11 hours. Yeah ... even though I had longed to get an internship and see the beauty of Phuket. But that is only hope. Moreover, I was found in the front office that did not allow me to wear the hijab. So, I've received it gracefully.

After the briefing we go home and there is no activity whatsoever. Had a tragedy and trouble happened in the dormitory. That is where when my friend opens the door. The key is broken in two. So, we can't enter the room. Oh my God.

We try to find help. And we find an idea because the patio door is not locked. So we can enter other rooms to jump to our room to open the door from the inside. And thank God, it works. Yeayyy

really a valuable lesson not to repeat it again.

Eighth day

Today is the last day we are camping. And this morning is the time for us to present what we discussed yesterday.

 Thank God, the presentation is smooth. The conclusion from what we present is about how to develop product marketing. 
And the solution from us is ...
After our presentation breakfast. Then go home. And don't forget we stopped by the center of souvenirs to buy a little for families in Indonesia. And I bought ... durian. The price is quite cheap, you can get 3pcs. hehe

Once satisfied buying souvenirs we immediately returned home.

Seventh day

August 17, haru This is our Independence day, sad also can't join the ceremony in Indonesia. Only can see through streamig. This morning our agenda is to walk around the garden to see and get to know more about the various kinds of fruits and plants that grow in the village. There ... We were also taught to make a craft from salak leaves. And there is also a very beautiful lake. There is a ship by the lake. I want to take the boat, but the guardian of the area said the ship was not safe for us to ride. So we can only take pictures on the mainland with the teacher.

After walking around the gardens and lakes. We are given chalenge by Thai friends for cooking. That is making a food from ingredients that have been provided. There are cucumbers, very wry salak, coconut sugar, shrimp paste etc. Waw ... and we think to make it a rujak. This Rujak is named in Thailand ... It turns out that the food is almost the same as Indonesia. The difference in Thailand is that the rujak is more dominant in the terasi. And also the terraces are very tasty, it feels really bad without any mixture. hehe

then we have lunch first. before we will go cycling. We have lunch with halal food that has been specially prepared for us.
After eating we are ready to ride. Before cycling, we check whether the tire is flat or not. And we pump it so that it is more level and can accelerate. But unfortunately when we want to go cycling, it rains. And this agenda must be the most important for a while.

While waiting for the rain, the teacher filled the time with us to create a group, to discuss about how to develop marketing products in this village. Because as we know in Cantaburi is rich in natural resources but in its management it is still very minimal. Especially in marketing. So, teacher hopes we can provide solutions to these problems. And later the results of the discussion will be presented tomorrow.

The rain didn't stop. After the discussion we get ready for our bicycles, still with our pillion partner. Yapp .. the start begins. We start pedaling following the leader's instructions. The first place we visited was the residence of the mother who had a traditional recipe for making durian jenang food. He is the expert holder. There we do not practice making it only explained about the way it is made and the places of the container to make it.

After that place, we move to a homestay that has been empty for a long time. This place used to have a lot of springs but unfortunately now it has dried up. And the water rarely comes out.

After that place, we moved to the next place. This time we visit a small place of worship in the village. And there is a board that tells about Thailand. The board is full of Thai letters. Which tells about Thailand in ancient times. Apparently Thailand is very rich in history.

After the place, we move to continue the journey, which is an industrial visit to the home industry producing durian. There we learn and see the making of toffy peaunut, the most famous food that most travelers like in Thailand. We also went into the plunge trying to make it. Starting from the beginning to packaging. And when the home industry owner returns home it is very good to give us a free parcel. Yayy ... pretty good for souvenirs. hehe . This visit also closed our cycling trip this time. And we immediately return to the homestay about 3km away from the home industry. Wow it's very far, the distance we take. Up and down but not tired. Because we share responsibility. hehe with other friends.

Sixth day

Early in the morning at 6 o'clock we left for campus and gathered at the Field to join other Thai students heading to Canthaburi.
Cantaburi is a village known as the best durian producer.
The journey from the TBC campus to Canthaburi is around 4 hours
but Before arriving at the homestay village where we will be camping, we first stop at the hotel for lunch and there is a little workshop about how to build a village. And about traveler. in the middle of the MC workshop gave a little giving intermezzo with games so the participants did not feel bored. the game includes happy balloons, assembling chopsticks so that eggs don't fall. etc. For balloons happy how to play the balloon will spin and we have to give it to our friends. instantaneously when the music sounds all immediately throws the balloon and doesn't want it to stop last at them. Music stops. And those who get balloons feel upset. Because they think they are the losers. But other facts speak. it turns out that the balloon gets the prize. So, that's why this game is called happy balloon. Because the ballooner should feel happy because the balloon brings happiness through a wallet souvenir. The MC also explained that this souvenir might look ordinary only worth 15ath for Thai people. But for these travelers souvenirs feel amazing to them. Yes, it is true that my friend from Indonesia seems very happy when he got the souvenir.

after the workshop at the hotel we moved on to the village. Up there we were greeted by a market snack which was very good for the Thai people to call it (Aloi = delicious). Then immediately take a break in each room. And eat the burger we carry.

Fifth day

Today we are we have class in the morning at 8 o'clock.

Then after that go to class to learn Thai again about the preposition, and the names of the days.

and unexpectedly and without prior notice, today there is an oral test and written test from T. Bank.
Waw ... fortunately last night I learned. Because before going to bed my habit is to open a book and see for a moment what I have got today. hehe .
The Oral Test is also led by the NOP. And I'm glad to be able to answer it quickly. It's time for a written test. hehe turns out the Teacher Bank has prepared the problem from last night. The problem is in the form of matching and also filling in the meaning of a place from English to Thai. We do it with a very short time. It's a challenge to think fast. Yes, when Nop gave the signal that the time to do it was finished we raised our hands, no one touched the pen when the time was up. We are just waiting for the results. While cooling down, tell a little about the problem. And how we feel when working on it. And it turns out that after being corrected. Yeayyy ... I got the best score. Because my answer was all right, there was nothing wrong at all. It's great to see the results of our hard work that are very satisfying. 😁

Written test already, verbally already. It feels like the brain is hot to think continuously. So, it's time to cool down. This cooling is in the form of games namely
Play bingo. I think that the number will use English. But again we are required to think in Thai. Okay, no problem. I like playing hard thinking like this. wkwk
But it seems like the goddess of fortune doesn't side with me. Always the number mentioned is rarely my number. There is also a funny incident with my friend. When the number is mentioned he doesn't even know that he has it. So, finally I helped to correct his problem. Hehehe doesn't help each other, the purpose of this game is to learn together, so it doesn't feel like there is any competition at all. wkwk

After playing bingo we play guessing words. That is, the guesser holds the word he guessed and there is a demonstration that helps to give clue. This game certainly uses ing grid language. So that Thai students also come to think. hehe
Learning already, the exam already, it's all time for a yeay lunch break. as usual we go back to the dorm etc. But before I returned Teacher Irene made an announcement to us. Even though tomorrow our schedule should be cooking class. But it is not possible for us to attend the class, because the ingredients to be cooked are not halal. So, cooking class is canceled. And sadly planning changes. We started cooking class, marketing and all products were canceled and replaced with camping agenda from Thursday-Saturday. It's nice to be camping in the village, but sad also can't get the subject matter that we should get in class. But never mind maybe this is the best. hehe

Then it's time for meetings, gather to discuss camping activities tomorrow. I don't understand much about what is explained. Because they explained it using Thai. hehe
After the meeting we take an afternoon break, and return to class at 12.40

This time we don't study in the classroom. But in Dance room. Because our lesson this time is dancing. yeayyy .. I like dancing. We are taught by a dance teacher named, Teacher Preaw. He taught us about traditional Thai dances called "Raam-Wong" dance. The dance is very beautiful and we practice it together by forming a circle. It's really shah. We also also had time to show dances that Indonesia had for them. So the more dance references we have.

After tutoring, let us go home. And heading to the director's room he said there was something he wanted to say. We had a chance to talk which of course was transcribed by nop. And we are happy to be given a uniform for us to use when camping tomorrow. after that we go home to rest and prepare for camping tomorrow.