Day 4 : 1st Day of School

1st Day of School

Hello, today is the day that I have been waiting for the inauguration of our orientation is accepted at the Thai Business Administration Technological College.

I wake up in the morning and prepare breakfast. After that I left to immediately follow the morning apples in the field. And we are immediately instructed for introductions in front of all TBC students. Waw ... I feel so nervous. Our Buddy say is up to us to want to introduce what language. But I don't want to waste the knowledge I got yesterday about introduction with Thai language. And the time came when my introduction immediately said

Sawadeekha ...

Suddenly everyone was immediately shocked to see me. Maybe they are surprised, I can speak Thai. But I feel happy to have an introduction using their language. Therefore, as a form of respect for me as a migrant in Thailand. hehe

After the introduction and we were officially at TBC school. It's time to start the real orientation. We were invited to the campus for an introduction to the environment, classrooms, and greeting the teachers and staff there. Thai people are friendly-friendly here. And what I admire about this campus has many foreign teacher want to learn Thai so they can blend in with other teachers who are native to Thailand.

Oh yes, we were introduced program study in TBC. It turns out that here are two groups, namely Vocational and Derpomar. Vocational is educated for 3 years. And depomar for 5 years. There are 5 majors for vocational programs, namely

  • Computer business
  • Graphic computer
  • Tourism industry
  • Marketing
  • Accounting

And for Derpomar there are 6 majors namely

  • Information technology
  • Computer business
  • Graphic computer
  • Tourism industry
  • Marketing
  • Accounting

After going around and getting to know the campus area, it's time for us to go back to class to learn Thai again. Yeayy ... this is what I like best. Because I am thirsty for science so I want to add more-add more. ekwk

This time we learn about how to express desires, sentences, additional verbs, place, thing, direction, expression.

We also have games from the Teacher Bank. This teacher is a teacher from Cambodia. He taught us about Place. Then we are told to memorize. And practice it through a direction plan. Exclaimed Moreover, I am the one who likes to absorb the knowledge through guessing. hehe

It was so fun to play that until we didn't realize when time showed a lunch break. It's time for us to go back to dormitory for a while to prepare meals, rest and prayer. And you know, I'm not the one who can sweat most. So I take the best 1 hour break so I can take a shower. Because after taking a bath my body feels refreshed and I feel more alive. hehe

It's time to change subjects. this time it is not learning Thai anymore but Learning Invention is in the form of a practice that is making a plate of banana leaves which is taught by Mew Teachers. How do you make a banana leaf into a circle the size of which is 3 piles. After that cut banana leaves with long strands. And make it into a triangle. Then the pinnate grooves to form the 3D dimension and then staple the bottom. Repeat until the circle becomes full like this. Then close again with a smaller circle.

This circle is similar to the decoration in Indonesia which is usually made for a yellow rice. It's just that in Indonesia it is placed on a tray.

After we finish our work. We rush to wash our hands and take pictures together. Then go back to dormitory.

Day 3 : Pre Orientation

Pre Orientation

It was the first time we entered the TBC campus for pre orientation. In the pre orientation this time between TBC students, Semarang State Polytechnic and Madiun State Polytechnic who joined the SEAMEO internship program met each other.

And I happen to be met with 2 students who will take part in an internship at State Polytechnic of Semarang. They are called Plug and M. They look very shy when I say hello. And after I approached personally it turned out that I just knew they said they were embarrassed because their English was not good. But I tried to refer, and said no need to be ashamed of us learning together. Right?

This is where I get new friends. and today it turns out we will be given Thai language lessons about introductions, greet ing, number, 5W 1H, verb, time, expressing preferences, and so on. After learning together, taking notes and explaining it by our teacher there is a practice of dialogue and making groups. Surely with Thai students. I am a group with Rose and Mr.M.

At first I was nervous but for a long time the atmosphere melted. And when we are told to go forward to practice the dialogue we discuss, I was surprised. Especially when the paper lottery shows that the first turn is me. I was really excited.

So, I bravely and passionately advanced. Thank God, smoothly, and I was given a score of 9 by the teacher. Yeayy is happy in the heart. So I am more excited about learning other Thai languages. hehe

It doesn't feel time has shown to go home. Well, even though it's more fun, chatting with new friends. hehe

And teacher announced that after this we will go shopping to the traditional market to buy food for 1 week. Yeayy ... can take a walk around the market.

I was immediately excited to immediately return to the dormitory and change clothes with casual clothes. After that let's go to the Market. The market name is Cingcelen.

It turns out that there are very different traditional markets in Thailand with Indonesia. Not because of its different contents or anything, but salute it with the people who are wealthy people and have a good car but they still want to go to traditional markets. Very good

We also start shopping around the market. But this time only with the teacher without our buddy. So we have a little trouble to say what we want to buy because the teacher can only speak Thai. Not so smooth in English. But this is unique, and I can learn how to overcome the barriers to communicating when different languages. At least we can understand each other through body language, and through my experience learning self-taught from watching Thai film dramas. wkwk

Finally we buy tofu, onions, chili, and leeks and soy sauce. hehe only that we buy not too much.

Understandably because we are used to living a simple life in Indonesia. ha ha

After we shop, the teacher leaves us for a moment because he wants to have a coffee. And we are given the freedom to get around anywhere with 20 minutes. Okay it's time to get to know the environment. hehe

while walking around, I saw good sporty shoes in gray. And I was immediately interested in wanting to buy it. But I think, if I buy using English, the price will definitely be changed. Ahaa ... fortunately this morning I was taught the Thai language and you talked about price bargaining. And it proved that I managed to bid on the shoes so that I only paid 175 baths. I'm happy, the knowledge that I got today can be useful. hehe

20 minutes had passed. We go straight to the car to wait for the teacher. After the teacher arrived we immediately returned to the dormitory.

Day 2 : National Mothers Day in Thailand

Today, my second day in Thailand. And by chance today is national mother's day here. So, it is free day. Time for fun. We are invited to take a walk around the city by Teacher Peak and of course accompanied by 2 of our Buddy, Nop and Tae Han by way. And our destination today about historical sites in Thailand.The first place we visited was the National Museum Bangkok (Thai: พิพิธภัณฑสถาน แห่ง ชาติ พระนคร). In the museum gallery that show about the history of Thailand from the neolithic period to Thai kingdom period. There are many interesting collections in this museum. The most interesting (and usually first entered by visitors) is in a large hall that stores Buddhist artifacts in various forms, poses, and shapes. From large statues, to similar puppets. There is also a large room in the corner of the complex containing royal royal vehicles, for example vehicles to guide the king and guide the remains. While one building is being used to store fabrics and ethnic traditional clothing in Thailand.

After going around the museum, we go out to Chao Phraya to cross using the shuttle boat. You need to know, Chao Phraya is the main river in Thailand with a length of about 372 kilometers. At first glance this river is similar to the Musi River in Kalimantan. This river functions for irrigation, floating markets, to the backbone of the transportation of the surrounding population through the existing canals. Even though the water is brown, the river is relatively clean from rubbish. A row of five-star hotels, such as JW Marriott, Shangri-La, Royal Orchid Sheraton, or Mandarin Oriental, are around the river. Not to mention the various campus buildings, theaters and national museums.

After crossing, we stopped by the market to find lunch. Of course the halal food. We walk around the market while looking at what products are there. And finally we found Duck Rice for lunch. It feels like Indonesia. Not only that, we also tasted Som Tam (Papaya Salad). It feels very wry but refreshing. But indeed Indonesia likes it sweet so I think this food is not suitable for Indonesian tongue. Hehe

After lunch, we return to Chao Phraya to cross. After that we head to the Grand Palace. It is located right in front of Bangkok's national museum. There is an important part of this palace, Wat Phra Kaew, the temple where the Buddha statue resides. And various galleries, such as Balairung Chakri Mahaprasat, Prasat Phra Thap Bidon, Phra Si Rattana Chedi and others.

After the Grand Palace we visited the Wat Pho (Thai: วัด โพธิ์) Temple, or the Temple of Sleeping Buddha which is located very close to the Grand Palace which is beside it. Wat Pho was built 200 years before Bangkok became the capital of Thailand. The temple containing a giant gilded Buddha statue is 46 meters long and 15 meters high.In the afternoon after we are tired we stop buying and drinking. And we walk home. This trip to find a bus was very difficult because we had to walk far because when there was an event at the center. (square) So the bus can't pass carelessly. After that we get a bus. The return trip is more or less ... hours.Arriving at the dorm we rest.

Day 1 : The First Day Arrived in Thailand

Hello guys..
  Today, is a historic day in my life. Because this was the first time I boarded the plane alone, abroad, without being accompanied by a parent. Approximately, where will I go to?
Thong Trairong flag
Oh yeah.. in short , Alhamdulillah this trip was smooth and finally, I could safely arrive at Don Mueang Airport. But it hasn’t finished here, me and my friend ‘Diani’ (who also participated in this Internship Exchange Programme) still had to go through the immigration routine checks before being able to enter Thailand. The first thing to do was to fill out the Departure Card that was distributed when we were at Soekarno Hatta airport. After that, we queued at the immigration counter.Yapp, Thailand “The land of White Elephant”. It’s great for me to be able to get the opportunity to join in the 2nd Batch of SEA-TVET (Southeast Asia-Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Student Internship Exchange Programme. I was glad to be placed in Thailand, in the Thai Business Administration Technological College (TBC).

When filling departure card
Departure card that has been filled

Queuing for immigration
After arriving at the front queue, the immigration staff talked to me, but I didn’t understand what she was talking about, so I said “Please, speak in English”. She just kept quiet and immediately pulled my hand forward while checking my passport. After that with her body language, she hoeld the camera ready to take photo. I immediately understood what she meant, and I put myself in front of the camera with a big smile. Cheers… And finally we were allowed to go through. Sa-wad-dee-kha , Welcome to Thailand.

Happy face after officially entering Thailand
 finishing the immigration procedure, we took our baggage and left the airport. And I was surprised and happy when I found out that some teachers and friends from TBC had been there, waiting for us outside the terminal Yeayy.. I still didn’t think that I could successfully arrive in the Thailand safely. And when I told them that, They laughed together.

Welcoming by Thai Business Administration Technological College (TBC)

After that, we went to the dormitory by vans to put the baggage and in the dormitory we approached with our 2 other friends from Indonesia, they are from Politeknik Negeri Madiun. They apparently had arrived in Thailand the noon before. Their names are Niken and Fardian. They will be our roommates for the next 30 days. After placing the baggage in our room, we immediately prepared to have dinner together. We had to go to a Halal Food Court. Yes, because we are Muslims and are Halal Food Hunters.. hehe

Have dinner together at Halal Food Court

Oh yeah, by the way… this time the dining together was accompanied by Ms. Irene, Ms. Lisa, teacher Peak and teacher Rungthiwa. They are so friendly and take care with us. And our buddies, Nop and Tae Han who are students from TBC. And for our dinner menu this time is “Boat Noodles or Kuaitio ruea”, is a Thai style noodle dish which has a strong flavor. With soft vermicelli, a little bean sprouts, mustard greens, and a few pieces meat and jumbo-sized meatballs. The soup is also mixed with salt, sweet soy sauce, pickled bean curd, and some other spices , to season the soup. Very completed and steady. The sauce is also tasty, with meat fat and there is also a taste of the peanut mete. And I love it

“Kruaitiao ruea”

Time went fast, It didn’t feel like it’s been late at night. Therefore, It’s time for us to go to back to the dorm to rest and get ready to continue the next day’s programmes. Which one of the lecturer said that we would be invited to take a weekend trip. See you tomorrow